Monday, 12 October 2015

BT Cotton - Whitefly attack vs Organic Cotton grown by some

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Whitefly destroys 2/3rd of Punjab's cotton crop, 15 farmers commit suicide
Subodh Varma & Amit Bhattacharya,TNN | Oct 8, 2015, 03.14 AM IST

Farmers of Punjab's Malwa region stage a dharna in Bathinda to seek compensation for the cotton crop damaged by whitefly.

BATHINDA: "It was just like the Japanese air strike in the film, Pearl Harbour," said Naresh Kumar Lehri, a seed and pesticide dealer at Singho village in Punjab's Bathinda district. "They appeared out of nowhere and left a trail of destruction."

Lehri was referring to the devastating attack by whitefly, a common pest, on the cotton crop in Punjab's Malwa region this year. It has affected about two-thirds of standing cotton crop in the state, causing an estimated loss of Rs 4,200 crore.

There are reports of at least 15 cotton farmers committing suicide. The director of Punjab's agriculture department is under arrest as are several pesticide dealers for selling spurious pesticides. The farmers are on the roads blocking traffic and demanding compensation while the state's Akali Dal-led NDA government has announced a compensation package of Rs 640 crore, dismissed by angry farmers as peanuts.

Punjab has nearly 12 lakh acres under cotton this year and almost all of it is Bt cotton, which is resistant to some major pests such as bollworm. But over the years, whiteflies have regularly attacked cotton plants only to be controlled by intensive spraying of chemical pesticides. But this year, despite a new pesticide being introduced and subsidized by the state government, the whitefly attack spun out of control. The reasons for this virulence are yet unclear but the farmers have a story to tell.

Several cotton farmers that TOI met in Bathinda and Faridkot districts of Punjab and adjoining Sirsa district of Haryana said that the whitefly appeared earlier than usual this year and deficient rains seem to have helped it survive longer.

"Since July, we have sprayed pesticide 10-12 times. Each spray costs about Rs 3,300 per acre. But the whitefly was unaffected," said a downcast Manjeet Singh in Singho village, standing on four acres of his withered cotton crop.

READ ALSO: Mystery disease ruins cotton crop in Maharashtra

Curiously, the crop in the adjoining field, and another in the vicinity, showed far less whitefly infestation. In fact, in the adjoining field, farmer Yadvender Singh had sprayed no chemical pesticides at all. Instead, he had used biofertilisers and other non-chemical formulations. Yadvender's field is expected to yield 800 kg of cotton per acre compared to 300 kg that Manjeet would hope to harvest. In the other plot, a non-Bt variety of cotton too was far less affected by whitefly.

Yadvender's field, where chemical pesticides were not used, showed spider webs on the plants. These are natural predators of whitefly. In fields where pesticide is heavily sprayed, these are decimated leaving the whitefly to flourish.

Why did the pesticides fail? There are various theories doing the rounds among agitated farmers. The most popular one, which the government seems to be backing, is that spurious pesticides were sold by dealers. Testing of some samples has indeed shown this. This has led to the arrests of conniving officials and makers of spurious chemicals.

But others point out that spurious samples make up not more than 15% of the total pesticides sold. Punjab consumes an estimated Rs 800-900 crore worth of pesticides per year, of which about Rs 150 crore worth are used on cotton alone.

"It is possible that whitefly has developed resistance to the commonly used pesticides," says Uday B Philar, who heads a Pune-based biofertiliser company, Sequoia Biosciences. Philar spent over three decades in the pesticide industry before deciding to set out on his own, formulating non-chemical, eco-friendly products.

Philar also points out that farmers have not been taught how to properly spray crops. They spray the upper layers of standing crops assuming that the pesticide will seep down. But this does not happen.

"Whitefly lays eggs in the middle section of the plant, on the underside of leaves. Top sprays often miss the eggs and nymphs in middle layers," he said.

There are fears that whitefly will now start attacking other common crops in the region such as chillies or vegetables. With pesticides running out of steam and pests developing resistance, alternatives would have to be quickly found.

Women farmers shun pesticides, win war against whitefly
TNN | Oct 9, 2015, 09.31 AM IST

CHANDIGARH: A group of women in Haryana's Jind district are doing what the governments and scientists couldn't to protect cotton crop from whitefly attack in Punjab and Haryana. With the help of indigenous style of farming, they have beaten the impact of whitefly pest in hundreds of acres of land in three villages. About 100 women farmers are active in this campaign apart from men.

"We don't use any pesticide on crops, but get as much production as those who spend thousands on chemicals," said Savita Malik, a resident of Lalitkhera village. Women in the neighbouring Nidani and Nidana villages are also taking lead in the campaign.

According to state agriculture department officials, farmers from about a dozen villages in Jind have adopted that style of farming and limited impact of whitefly attack in more than 1,000 acres of land. Farmer Pramila Randhana says they don't use pesticides to kill whitefly, but a homemade spray to strengthen the plants. Their spray is called 'Dr Dalal solution,' which is a mix of di-ammonia phosphate (DAP), urea, zinc and water.

The farmers believe that use of pesticides increases the problem of insects. "Pesticides shorten life cycle of insects, but don't stop them from multiplying rapidly," say farmers.

An agriculture development officer (ADO) named Surender Singh Dalal had started the 'desi' farming campaign about eight years back in Jind. Though Dalal died two years ago, his concept is gaining popularity in the state now. Dalal had taught farmers to identify the friendly insects that don't harm their crops. As of now, they have identified around 200 insects and monitor their activities. Some of the insects don't harm crops as they eat leaves and flowers, not the fruits on plants. Some carnivorous insects catch and kill other, thereby keeping their numbers in control.

Jind's deputy director of agriculture R P Sihag said, "At a time when other farmers invested Rs 5,000 per acre to control whitefly, these farmers spent just Rs 500 per acre to protect their crops by using homemade sprays." Suresh Ahlawat is one of them. He has planted fruit trees in five acres in Chhabri village and also grows wheat, mustard and bajra as intercropping on the same land, but doesn't use pesticides. Ahlawat said he had reduced input cost by 40% by adopting the new practice.

Master trainers of the group of farmers organize weekly "khet pathshalas" (field days) to educate farmers about their technique. Recently, the state agriculture department organized a visit of these farmers to Sisai village of Hisar district.

The National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM) of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has initiated a study to know exact impact of that pattern of farm operations.

Haryana additional director (agriculture) Suresh Gahlawat said they could recommend such a practice to other areas of the state only after recommendations from the scientists based on some empirical study or scientific grounds.

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Black clouds over BT cotton as whitefly runs amok
Ikhhlaq Singh Aujla,TNN | Sep 9, 2015, 08.32 AM IST

CHANDIGARH: Farmers in Punjab and Haryana are perturbed over a sense of deja vu they are experiencing ever since the attack of the pest - the whitefly - on their BT cotton crop. It has unnerving similarities to attack of the American bollworm, colloquially known as 'Amrikan sundi,' in the 1990s and 2000s on hybrid cotton varieties. The bollworm attack had led farmers to shift to the BT variety post 2004 which resisted the pest. But the whitely has shown that the BT cotton too can be vulnerable, creating a crisis at a time when the monsoon has failed.

Both Punjab and Haryana account for about 11-12% of country's total cotton output, but the pest could cause a noticeable drop in average yields thereby hitting output as picking of cotton has begun in the region. In Haryana, area under cotton is 5.80 lakh hectares and in Punjab it is 4.50 lakh hectares this season.

In fact, much like the bollworm, pesticides sprayed has not been able to eliminate the whitefly that attacks the leaves of cotton plants. In the early 2002, cotton farmers had used so much pesticide against the whitefly that the chemical is believed to have affected the soil and groundwater. Many believe this is the reason behind a large number of cancer cases being detected among people in the cotton belt.

Farmers in many parts of Punjab and Haryana have even uprooted cotton for other crops in recent days. Baljinder Singh Sidhu from Kotbhara village in Bathinda said, "Build-up to the pest was so sudden that it caught us unawares. Many farmers in my village have uprooted cotton since the damage to the crop was massive."

Farmers fearful that whitefly would become more aggressive in coming seasons as prolonged hot, humid conditions without rainfall led to the growth of the pest and could spread to other states. "The yield could drop by about 15% this season in Punjab," said noted farm economist professor P S Rangi, marketing consultant, Punjab State Farmers Commission (PSFC).

Prof Ashok Dhawan, former head of the entomology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, said, "The whitefly attack can lead to 30%-40% drop in average yield in the affected areas. Spraying pesticides is not the best solution. Farmers need to follow a composite plan. We need varieties that are resistant," said Prof Dhawan.

An official from the Punjab agriculture department said, "We are organizing camps in villages and telling farmers to use recommended pesticides, but that is only a temporary measure. Enormity of the attack can't be quantified immediately as picking of cotton has just begun. One thing is sure that we need varieties of cotton that are resistant to whitefly, otherwise farmers are going to suffer just like they did when American bollworm ravaged huge swathes of cotton about two decades back."

In the 1990s and 2000s the American bollworm or 'Amrikan sundi' had become resistant to pesticides and ravaged thousands of hectares of hybrid cotton planted in both Punjab and Haryana. While the cost of inputs went up significantly, average yield of cotton dropped sharply, hitting the farmers hard. Their fortunes changed as the government allowed cultivation of BT cotton in March 2005 in both states with the nod from the genetic engineering approval committee (GEAC). Even before government clearance, farmers from Punjab's cotton belt, had started bringing BT seeds from Gujarat in a train that was referred to as "BT Express".

As per the data from the Cotton Advisory Board (CAB), average yield of cotton in Punjab fell to 170kg per hectare in 1997-98 from 367kg per hectare in 1996-97, and in Haryana the average yield declined to 240kg per hectare from 354kg per hectare in the same period. Average yield of cotton dropped further to 151kg per hectare in 1998-99 in Punjab while Haryana also saw a decline to 204kg per hectare. 

However, the average yields started improving from 2005-06 as BT cotton cultivation was allowed in both states. Provisional figures from CAB put the average yield of cotton in 2013-14 to 704kg per hectare and 702kg per hectare in Punjab and Haryana respectively. 

With BT cotton being resistant to American bollworm, area under these varieties shot up rapidly in Punjab and Haryana, which stands at over 90% in both states. While BT cotton varieties offered resistance to American bollworm, these are under the attack of whitefly in both Punjab and Haryana this season.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Mushrooms for PESTCONTROL

This Natural Food Could Finally Put an End to Harmful Pesticides

Humanity is facing a toxicity problem as our immediate environment becomes increasingly riddled with pesticides. They are making us unhealthy faster than we can study the effects. In addition to causing harm to humans, these pesticides play large roles in the massive bee deaths and decline of soil health. The companies that profit from making these pesticides have made it clear they won’t stop, and our petitions to the EPA and FDA are mostly ignored due to revolving door leadership between pesticide makers and government regulators. So is there an answer? Yes there is!

Paul Stamets, the world’s leading mycologist, filed a patent in 2001 that was purposely given little attention. In the words of pesticide industry executives, this patent represents “The most disruptive technology that we have ever witnessed.” The biopesticides described in the patent reveals a near permanent, safe solution for over 200,000 species of insects – and it all comes from a mushroom.

After what is called ‘sporulation’ of a select entomopathogenic fungi (fungi that kill insects), the area becomes no longer suitable for any insect(s) the fungi are coded for. In addition, extracts of the entomopathogenic fungi can steer insects in different directions. This literally is a paradigm shift away from the entire idea of pesticides.

Instead of having an aim to kill all problematic insects, a farmer could simply disperse a solution of pre-sporulation fungi amongst the crops. The insects would then simply live their lives around the crops paying no attention to them.

This simple idea flies in the face of the current, poorly thought-out practice of spraying ever-increasing amounts of pesticideson resistant bugs. Going further, this biopesticide could eliminate the need for Round Up ready GMO seeds and BT seeds that grow the pesticides in the crops that are needlessly endangering us. But that’s not all.

Perhaps the most enticing element of this biopesticide fungi is that it’s essentially free.
According to the patent, it can be “cultivated on agricultural waste.” We are looking at a 100% safe, natural technology that gives reason to halt the GMO and pesticide manufacturers overnight with a new class of  SMART Pesticides (Sporulating Mushrooms And Repelling Technology).
Read: Mushrooms Provide Bioshield Against Bee Collapse
“The matrix of pre-sporulating fungi can optionally be dried, freeze-dried, cooled and/or pelletized and packaged and reactivated for use as an effective insect attractant and/or biopesticide.” –Paul Stamets Patent for Mycoattractants and mycopesticides
On a bigger scale, GMO food and pesticides are merely symptoms of an opposite consciousness that is rapidly changing. Put another way, these symptoms are the unwanted gifts from out of control corporations that, by definition, have no empathy towards the needs, health, or life of The People. As Neil Young mentioned in his Starbucks Boycott, pesticide companies like Monsanto are, for the most part, not public-facing companies.

As we are witnessing now with GMO brands, a boycott can severely damage their bottom line (lifeblood), but it will take more to eliminate their business model. Due to the fact that they spend untold millions lobbying (purchasing) our politicians and regularly operate revolving doors between public and private positions, only a paradigm shift will eliminate the entire industry. At that moment, which is approaching, pesticide manufacturers can decide if they would like to cease being the problem and assist in the solution.

The good news is that whatever decision they choose won’t matter. A shift in consciousness around pesticide and GMO use eliminates their influence and knocks them off their fictitious monetary pedestals they believe to be sitting on.
Additional Sources:
6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World TED Talk

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About Jefferey Jaxen:
Jefferey Jaxen is an independent journalist, writer, and researcher. Focusing on personal empowerment and alternative health, his work reveals a sharp eye to capture the moment in these rapidly changing times. Jaxen is a contributing writer to on a variety of issues. His personal page is located at 

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Top 10 Companies Killing the Natural World with Pesticides

Top 10 Companies Killing the Natural World with Pesticides – Also the Biggest Seed Producers

pesticide companiesIn a report released by, the world’s six largest agrochemical manufacturers are also controlling the seed industry. According to the report, agrochemical is running the show, not by providing food to the people of the world, but by poisoning the seeds they provide with chemicals. All of these companies are also gene manipulating, GMO-giants. There is an inextricable link that cannot be ignored.
It breaks down like this:
  • The biggest agrochemical company in the world, Bayer, is also the seventh biggest seed company.
  • The second largest agrochemical company, Syngenta, is the world’s third largest seed company.
  • The world’s biggest seed company, Monsanto, is the world’s fifth largest agrochemical company.
  • The world’s second biggest seed company – DuPont, is the world’s sixth largest agrochemical company.
Read: 7 Nasty Effects of Pesticides
Furthermore, weed killers, like Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide, account for one-third of the global pesticide market. About 80% of GMO seeds suck down this toxin like a crack-addict. There is no herbicide resistance in GMO plants, as we are told. There is only glyphosate and herbicide addiction. This is why Dow is making a new herbicide called Enlist Duo. It is because the pests are now becoming immune to glyphosate, and even greater toxins will have to be used to destroy the super-bugs created by these poisons.
If you’ve ever worked with heavy drug-addicted individuals, they will deny there is a problem, and seek greater and greater doses of their ‘drug’ in order to get the same high. The agroscience industry has created the same paradigm. The worldwide market for agrochemicals grows another 10% every year. It’s a 40 billion dollar/year market – to sell the world these chemicals.
Despite sky-rocketing fuel and fertilizer costs, high grain prices created soaring demand for commercial seeds and pesticides in 2007. Today’s GMO seed sales are chump change in comparison to herbicides and pesticides, but they keep a farmer addicted to the chemicals these…idiots sell. Pesticide sales are up all over the world, particularly in South America.
Furthermore, two GMO crops meant for biofuel (ethanol derived from GMO corn being the largest) boosted sales for the world’s largest pesticide companies the last few years – in large part due to the subsidy-driven boom supported by an infiltrated government.
Report from ETC Group (extracts only)

The World’s top 10 pesticide firms

Company2007Agrochemical Sales (US$ millions)% Market Share
Bayer (Germany)$7,458m19%
Syngenta (Switzerland)$7,285m19%
BASF (Germany)$4,297m11%
Dow AgroSciences (USA)$3,779m10%
Monsanto (USA)$3,599m9%
DuPont (USA)$2,369m6%
Makhteshim Agan (Israel)$1,895m5%
Nufarm (Australia)$1,470m4%
Sumitomo Chemical (Japan)$1,209m3%
Arysta Lifescience (Japan)$1,035m3%
Top 10 Total$34,396m89%
Additional Sources:
The Huffington Post

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About Christina Sarich:
Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.