Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Zerobudgetspiritualfarming-organic farming is to be banned

Organic farming is preplanned conspiracy.

Fiends, today we will discuss about black face of organic farming.

Since ten thousands year, agriculture is continued . In the initial 5000 year, there was no utilization of farm yard manure means cow dung manure in farming. There was shifting agriculture. 

The forest was cut down,the land was dug,seeds were broadcasted and crop was taken. But, there were thousands of cow with the farmers. When, because of continuous heavy rains,the cultivated soil was lost by flooding water, then,to maintain the fertility,utilization of cow dung manure was started,which is today also continued . 

I have started to verify the actual utility of cow dung manure with my research trials, by testing variable quantities of f y m. 

At last I found that if we want better yield,we have to utilize 18 cart loads means 9 tonne of f y m per acre per year . 

For that purpose we have to keep 10 cows per acre. In India,we have only 350 million acre land for cultivation. 

That means, we want 350 multiplied by 10 cow is equal to 3500 million of cows means 350 crore deshi cows. 

We in India have only 8 crore means 80 million local cows. Now ,it is cleared that it is not possible in dream also to continue this ancient Indian method of agriculture. What is alternate ? 

Only our zero budget natural spiritual farming. Because,in this my zbnf technology, no farm yard manure is purchased and utilized as a manure.

Organic farming word was utilized first by British agricultural scientist Dr.Albert Horward to compost manure. This compost manuring technology was developed in England,not in India. So compost technology is not swadeshi farming.

The British Government has sent to Dr. Horward to its colony India to promote this compost manure technology to Indian farmers.

Dr.Horward came in India, studied well ancient cow dung manure based Indian farming technique and at last he suggested to British Government in his study report that the Indian ancient cow based farming is too much superior than this European compost organic farming. 

So, not necessary to promote organic farming to Indian farmers,but,it is very essential to promote ancient Indian cow based f.y.m.technology to European farmers. 

What a situation is ? European scientist promote Indian ancient farming and our Indian scientists are promoting European farming technology.

Vermi compost technology is not swadeshi means an Indian technology, it 100 percent videshi means foreign technology. 

In western countries,there was big problem was created that how cadmium, arsenic, mercury ,lead like very poisonous heavy metals are coming in human food chain ! 

After wide spread research,they found that these heavy metals are coming through chemical fertilizers.

Then they started to find out technique by which they can find out the quantity of heavy metals in the farming residues of crops biologically. 

At last, they found one worm from European soil,they have given name Eisinio foetida to that worm In initial period they have utilized this worm as a biomonitor to find out quantity of heavy metals. 

But, afterward,they found specific characters of this worm as collecting the heavy metals from crop residues while eating straw and restricting the Humas creation in the soil and doing the soil compact by its surface feeding activities. 

At same time,there was a big mass movement in Europe America against chemically grown poisonous food. Because of great pressure of this peoples movement,the input industrial sector of chemical farming was under pressure. 

As a result,at last,that universal exploiter system had decided to give the alternative technology against chemical farming. They started variable experiments on this worm and its activities and at last they became successful to develop vermi compost technology.

Now,there was a problem with exploiter system,how to promote this new brand organic farming vermi comoost technology through the world. 

At last, they found that some creative social workers have started their non government organizations. These ngo s want to give their best services to the people,but, they have limitations of financial funds. 

So,the system has proposed to NGOs that it will give the lot of funds them, only condition will be the NGO's should promote organic farming to the farmers. 

The NGO's were became very happy that they are getting best organic farming technology in the form of compost and vermi compost technology,and also big funds,they accepted this proposal and started a big campaign of promoting organic farming in the world including India. 

At that time the NGOs were not known that this organic farming is preplanned conspiracy. They were and now also are thinking that they are doing good job because of ignorance. 

In initial period,no government was promoting organic farming. But,when the world trade organization started to pressurize the all governments in the undeveloped countries to reduce continuous subsidy of chemical fertilizers,then,under pressure,governments started to reduce subsidies and as a alternative to chemical farming,they started to promote organic farming through department of agriculture. 

At that time the Indian Government was giving 1 lakh 40 thounds crore Indian rupees subsidy for chemical fertilizers. It was and is a big part of Indian total budget.

Friends,this is the history of organic farming. How this organic farming is dangerous,poisonous,and exploiter, also how it is a preplanned conspiracy to exploit India economy and natural resources, we will discuss in second part of this article post. So, please, wait up to tomorrow...............

..........subhash palekar 

Organic farming ( गो आधारित जैविक खेती ) is more dangerous than chemical farming, it is a conspiracy. How ? We will discuss.

Friends, when we always discuss about the soil,we prominently discuss about the fertility of soil. We know that how much the soil is more fertile, the productivity of that soil is more. This fertility and productivity of soil is given to the soil by Humus. That means humus is the fertility and productivity of the soil.

This humus is created in the upper most soil surface by decomposition of the straw. Straw means residues of the crops and weeds. This decomposition process is done by variable species of aerobic beneficial effective micro organisms. 

The roots secretes the sweet sugar to feed the micro organisms ,so that, they get the energy through that sugar for their activities. 

For Humus creation 60 percent organic carbon is taken from the air by photosynthesis process and 6 percent organic nitrogen taken from the atmosphere by nitrogen fixing bacteria. 

That means, for humus creation,three inputs are required...
1 ) .carbon saturated monocot straw and nitrogen saturated leguminous dicot straw. Monocot means all cereals and millets crops straw. Dicot means all pulses crops straw. 
2 ) presenc of roots of selected crop. 

And 3 ) culture of humus creating micro organisms. 

If all these three are present together then humus is created, otherwise no ! I have tested all cultures of micro organisms, at last, I found that the best culture is the dung of indigenous local cow ( Bos indicus ) belonging to zebu family that means pure Indian local cows or pure African local cows. Not European cows. 

I have developed the best culture of these local cow dung based micro organisms in our zero budget natural spiritual farming and I have given the name to that culture JIWAMRITAM and GHANAJIWAMRITAM.

Now we can conclude , the humus is created by decomposition of straw near the root zone of crop by micro organisms, not out side the root zone ! That means, for creation of humus, three inputs are required...straw, roots and jiwamritam or GHANAJIWAMRITAM. 

Without presenc of roots,humus will not be created.
Now, we will see what is happened in dangerous organic farming . 

Cow dung manure ( Farm yard manure ) is not prepared near the root zone, is prepared outside the rootzone in pits. In this stage humus is not created, manure is created. 

That means,the utilization of cow dung manure is not useful for Humus creation.

Compost manure and vermi compost manure and biodynamic manure ,all three are not prepared near the root zone, are prepared out side the root zone, in the pits, in the factories or in the tanks. 

In this situation,humus is not created, manures are created. That means , the utilization of compost, vermi compost or biodynamic manures is the preplanned conspiracy of universal demon exploiter system to restrict the humus creation in the soil, so that , that roots of the crops will not get nutrients through the humus, the deficiency of the nutrients will be created in the crops, as a result, the farmers will commit to purchase chemical fertilizers and more costly organic fertilizers from the market and money will towards that exploiter system. This is the preplanned conspiracy !

Organic farming and chemical farming, both are responsible for global warming and climate change . How ? We will discuss in next part of this my article........please wait......for few days...........

..........subhash palekar 09850352745, palekarsubhash@yahoo.com, 
palekarzerobudgetspiritualfarming. org

Organic farming ( गो आधारित जैविक खेती ) and chemical farming both are responsible for global warming.....How ?

In last parts of my article post,we have seen how these both technologies are dangerous and are preplanned conspiracy to exploit our national economy and natural resources. 

Today we will discuss how both are responsible for enhancing the global warming and climate change. 

Organic farming is having four inputs...cow dung manure , compost manure, vermi compost manure, and biodynamic culture. 

These manures are having 46 percent carbon. Before monsoon ,winter and summer season start, in april,may or september october or january february, these manures are spread on the surface of soil in truck loads. 

In entire India,at this period , there is hot temperature ranging 40 to 48 degree centigrade . When day temperature starts to increase above 28 degree cent., the existed stable carbon in these manures starts to convert in to unstable carbon. 

When day time temperature starts to increase above 36 degree centigrade, this unstable carbon is converted in to volatile carbon, and then this maximum volatile carbon is released in the atmosphere due to high temperature, it combines itself with atmospheric oxygen,as a chemical combination of both, by oxidation process,carbon di oxide is created,and then it goes in the upper layer of atmosphere and deposit itself there.

Simultaneously,at the same time, other nitrous oxide gas and methane gas, both, which are other green house gases, are emitted and deposited in the atmosphere.

This carbon di oxide is more dangerous green house gas and other two green house gases are not destroyed,but are stayed in the upper layer of atmosphere for thousands of years.

Then these three green house gases are combined with our environment protector ozone gas and destroy it. 

As a result very hazardous radiations like ultra violet rays are coming on the earth and damage natural resources in huge scale. 

These emitted green house gases by organic farming absorb the heat from in coming sunlight, and also outgoing heat from hot soil surface. 

As a result, atmospheric temperature is increased and we say global warming is increased, and finally,because of global warming, there are very hazardous and dangerous changes are happened in the climate,then we describe these changes as climate change. 

Now, all global leaders and organizations have decided in Paris, France, in global conference to reduce these green house gases level down up to 1750 year level means up to preindustrial revolution level. 

That means, it the legal commitment of every Governments and people to ban organic farming and chemical farming.

The all organic manures manufacturing industries and organic bio pesticide manufacturing industries are emitting huge quantity of green house gases through smoke in the atmosphere, which are responsible for global warming. 

These organic input industries are taking raw material from the Nature and are destroying natural resources. 

Also the transportation of these raw materials of organic input industries and transportation of organic fertilizers,biopesticides, cow dung manure, vermicompost, compost manure, biodynamic cultures are responsible to emit huge quantity of green house gases by burning diesel,petrol,rockel,natural gas. 

These all organic farming input industries require electricity,which is coming by burning the coal in thermal power stations,. 

These power stations are emitting huge quantity of green house gases, which are responsible for global warming. These organic farming input industries require huge quantity of cement, bricks, steel, wood, sand and water to build up their infra structure. 

These raw material manufacturing industries are also emitting huge quantity of green house gases ,which increase global warming.

Friends,now you are well aware about the fact that why organic farming is to be banned,  otherwise, future generations will not survive. Thank you .........................subhash palekar, 09850352745
www.palekarzerobudgetspiritualfarming. org
How chemical farming is responsible for global warming ? We will discuss here on Tuesday morning.